The art of a compromise

published in the Commercial Appeal
By Staff Reports 

The Promenade, a four-block area west of Front Street between Union and Adams avenues, has long been one of the city's most poorly utilized portions of Downtown riverfront. 

Credit John Kirkscey with an idea that could change that. Kirkscey wants to see the Promenade developed into an art park, an area in which the city's artists, musicians and other creative types could be celebrated. 

He plans to unveil a set of architectural drawings for the proposed park tonight from 6 to 9 in the courtyard beside Earnestine & Hazel's Bar & Grill, 531 S. Main. 

Kirkscey believes his idea represents a good compromise between the goals of the Riverfront Development Corporation, which wants to bring more vitality to that part of the waterfront, and the Friends for Our Riverfront, a citizens group that wants to preserve as much open space as possible. 

Kirkscey hopes tonight's event, which will also feature live music and art displays (naturally), can be a starting point to build public support for the art park. 

The concept, explained in more detail at the Memphis art park Web site, is certainly worth exploring.